Liz Annable MBACP
Counsellor, Supervisor,
Group facilitator

Contact Liz Directly
07428 513 561
Individuals: £60 - £70
Couples: £70 - £90
Supervision: £60 - £70 per hour
Small Group: £120.00 (2hrs)
Concession places available
About me
'The human body at peace with itself is more precious than the rarest gem.'
If aspects of life make you anxious, hold you back, drain or confuse you,
counselling offers the possibility to address them. I offer kindly, attentive
listening and a safe space to engage with the aspects of life and experience
that may be contributing to your current situation.
Person centred counselling offers the chance to be heard without judgment.
This means I accept all of you, including those parts you are not proud of or that
might cause you shame or pain or fear. You can work at your own pace and
set your own agenda.
Some of the many issues people bring include relationship issues, stress and
anxiety, grief, loss and depression. Benefits people may find include increased
confidence, clearer choices, being less concerned with what others think and
an improved quality in relationships and communication.
Couples Counselling offers professional, emotional support to broach what
feels difficult to explore as a couple. Issues couples bring are many and varied
and include: dwindling intimacy and a desire to reconnect; losing a sense of
being a couple in the stresses of family and work life; the complexities of
second and blended families; betrayal; re-building trust; facing the possible
end of a relationship.
Meditation & Mindfulness: I have a steady personal practice and deep
appreciation of meditation and mindfulness. A regular practice can create
conditions where a calmer mind and more spacious mind may emerge. Let me
know if this interests you.
Expressive ways of working: There are infinite ways of being in the world
and if creativity is meaningful to you – music, writing, photos, dance - how
might we engage with it together? Letting your own well of creativity support
you through whatever you are experiencing are equally as valued as spoken
words in our sessions.
Again, please say if this either feels important or you feel curious about.
Training, qualifications & experience
To refresh and renew my practice, I regularly engage in short and longer
courses, encounter groups, personal therapy and retreats in addition to the
formal qualifications below:
PG Dip Creative Writing for Therapeutic Purpose (2021)
BSc (Hons) Reflective Therapeutic Practice (2012)
PG Cert Person Centred Supervision (2009)
BACP Counsellor Accreditation (2009)
Person Centred Counselling Diploma (2005)
Person Centred Counselling Certificate (2002)
Supervision / Reflective Practice
I offer supervision to practicing counsellors.
I offer reflective practice sessions for people that are nourished in this way
including health professionals, social workers, artists.
My starting point is a deep respect for all connections and alliances and the
way you choose to express yourself within them.
I aim to open and hold a reflective and restorative space in which you can
bring attention and depth to the arenas you need to explore. An opportunity for
a collaborative, co-created relationship that enables the potency we share in
coming together to emerge.
I completed post-grad training as a supervisor in 2008. My counselling
experience is via all sectors of education, within mental health charities, end of
life care, eating disorders and EAPs and private practice.
Creative Writing for Therapeutic Purpose
The writing workshops are designed to invite us into more expansive spaces,
where we can be curious about the parts of us that are present or calling. I
encourage a receptivity to what we find and chance to honour that which we
connect to, within ourselves and in others.
As well as workshops, individual sessions are also available to support any process you wish to bring to attention.
Please see
for a current overview of workshops.