Louise Grundy
For enquiries and appoinments contact Louise directly:
Phone or text: 07717 496742
Email: louise987@live.com.
Website: www.reflexologyfornaturalhealth.co.uk
Reflexology (1 hour) - £50
Zero Balancing (50 minutes) - £50

I became interested in complementary therapies about 15 years ago and in 2007 when I changed my job and reduced my hours from 30 a week (plus evenings and weekends) to a 3 day working week, I had the time and opportunity to learn more.
I began at Vicky Gaughn’s Sheffield Centre for Massage and thoroughly enjoyed the course which introduced me to body work and showed me the importance of the therapeutic relationship. After qualifying I worked from a therapy room at Yoga Shala for a couple of years, then in 2010 I began volunteering at St' Luke's Hospice where I was inspired to learn other therapies. So I qualified as a reiki practitioner, sometimes reiki or a very gentle foot massage was the only treatment patients at St Luke's wanted or could tolerate.
In November 2011 I qualified in reflexology with the International Institute of Reflexology (IIR). Another therapy which fascinated me and I love to practice. I enjoyed a good work balance, working in the NHS for 3 days as an anticoagulant practitioner, working 2 days as a reflexologist and volunteering at St Luke's.
In 2013 I attended a massage conference, where the key note speaker, Tim Newman, spoke about a therapy I had never heard of, Zero Balancing. I was intrigued to know more, I bought a book on the subject and booked in for a session with Marian Wall in Chesterfield. I was surprised how a relatively short session changed the way I felt emotionally as well as physically, not just immediately afterwards, but for the next few days. I had found my next therapy. This time I took it slowly, having sessions with Marian for at least a year before attending my first workshop in Devon. The following year I joined the zero balancing certification program and qualified in November 2016. I'm still intrigued by its subtle yet profound affects on myself and on clients.